A/V Clips


Night of Magic Logo



Friday, November 5, 1999, 7pm


Castaway Restaurant

1250 Harvard Road, Burbank


Cocktails - Fine Dining - Silent Auction - Music - Opportunity Baskets


Musical Entertainment provided bythe

Students of the Burbank High School Vocal Music Association


RSVP by October 24, 1999

Cocktail Attire



Gold Table $2,000

A table of ten, full-page ad in all concert programs for the full year, prime seating at the event

Silver Table $1,000

A table of ten, half-page ad in all concert programs for a full year

Bronze Table $750

A table of ten, quarter-page ad in all concert programs for a full year

Harmony Table $500

A table of ten, business card size ad in all concerts for a full year

Event Tickets: $40 per person

